Primark fans are going crazy for a new set from the budget retailer which they say they "love" and "need". The "cutest" new outfit has landed in all Primark stores - including those in Essex.

The outfit consists of a white vest top with a champagne cocktail glass on the front, with a black hair ribbon, grey-blue jeans and black sandles, to fit the spring look.

Posting on their Instagram page, Primark said: "The cutest fit for Spring on the hanger vs worn #Primark #InStoreNow. Available to Click & Collect in selected UK stores or check stock in your local store."

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Fans were pumped about the outfit in the comments section. _rosewearsit said "This top!!!!" while munchingwithmolly_x said "well that's cute" with a heart eyes emoji.

silviapohlmann shared three heart eyes emojis while rachel_myrynway said "cute pieces". ajkailla said "love this top" with a trophy emoji, with shenicet adding "I need the top haha".

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