Angelina Jolie Allegedly Freaked out When Brad Pitt Started Drinking Before Their Wedding
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt went through a very acrimonious divorce that took the Tomb Raider star a couple of years to open up about. Her ex-husband admitted that he developed a drinking problem that played a significant part in their marriage’s collapse. But if sources were to be believed, Pitt’s battle with alcoholism might’ve started to surface shortly before the pair married.
Angelina Jolie was reportedly shocked to find out Brad Pitt was drinking before their wedding

Pitt had been very open about the vices he indulged in throughout his younger days. In a 2017 interview with GQ, he revealed that he did away with most of his bad habits when marriage and a family started looming. Still, alcohol was one addiction he just couldn’t quite kick.
“I mean, I stopped everything except boozing when I started my family,” Pitt said.
The Fight Club actor’s confession may have added some weight to a rumor that circulated not too long before Jolie and Pitt’s glamorous wedding ceremony. Back in 2012, there were reports that Pitt enjoyed a night out of heavy drinking with filmmaker Guy Ritchie and some friends at a London Pub.
“The group spent the night in the back room of the pub drinking real ales such as Bombardier and Spitfire. Brad sampled a few different beers and things got a bit rowdy. It was a rare chance for him to let his hair down,” a source once told Daily Star (via Digital Spy).
When Pitt returned home, he was allegedly so intoxicated that Jolie couldn’t help but be alarmed.
“Ange was shocked he came home in such a state, especially as he hadn’t called her. She said she hadn’t seen him like that in years. Brad blamed it all on British beer,” the insider added.
It wasn’t the first time Pitt’s drinking allegedly caused tension in the household. A few years prior, another source claimed that Jolie was upset with Pitt for drinking and lounging around the house while she was away shooting a film. Reportedly, this made it easier for their six kids at the time to have free reign over their house.
“Angelina was completely and utterly exhausted, so when she came home after a hard day’s work and found Brad had apparently done nothing all day except watch DVDs, she was livid,” the source once told Grazia (via Daily Mail). “She went upstairs and shook Brad awake. He was like a bear with a sore head and kept telling her to leave him alone.”
Brad Pitt quit drinking after his divorce from Angelina Jolie
Whether those specific rumors were true or not, Pitt’s alcoholism was certainly a problem that needed to be corrected. But it wasn’t until after he’d already lost Jolie that Pitt turned to strangers and celebrities alike to get sober. According to an interview he did with The New York Times, he went so far as to sign up with Alcoholics Anonymous for a year. The club Pitt found ended up being the exact kind of environment he needed.
“You had all these men sitting around being open and honest in a way I have never heard,” Pitt said. “It was this safe space where there was little judgment, and therefore little judgment of yourself.”
It helped that Pitt developed a brotherhood and friendship within the group after they kept his involvement with Alcoholics Anonymous a secret.
“It was actually really freeing just to expose the ugly sides of yourself,” he added. “There’s great value in that.”
Nowadays, Pitt asserted that he curbs any potential alcoholic cravings with much healthier and less destructive alternatives.
“Cranberry juice and fizzy water,” he revealed were his substitutes for alcohol.
But at the same time, Pitt reminded that staying clean still required work and daily maintenance.
“I’ve got the cleanest urinary tract in all of L.A., I guarantee you! But the terrible thing is I tend to run things into the ground. That’s why I’ve got to make something so calamitous. I’ve got to run it off a cliff,” he added.